THE BETTERMAKER 502P is now being shown at the 2012 AES show in San Francisco and its sure to become a quick favorite not only because of its sonics but due to its complete integration with your DAW. You can recall settings with your sessions and control/automate it from within the DAW with the plugin. Marek says its the same circuitry as their 230P rack mount Eq that I blogged about previously. The 502P is a stereo 500 series unit that connects to your computer via USB.
- Stereo Passive Analog EQ
- 399 recall presets on the unit
- Full D.A.W recall in your session
- The EQ follows the plugin as well as the plugin follows the EQ
- Full automation via plugins (RTAS, AU, VST, 32,64)
MSRP: $1450
FALCON is a classic sounding tube compressor in a 500 series package.
FALCON features 3 attack and 3 release time settings, hard and soft knee choices for compression or limiting, two different audio path sounds, wet-dry mixing for parallel compression, and is linkable.
The audio path color is changed by modifying the tube circuit so it has negative feedback or does not have negative feedback. This along with the optical like quality of the compressor allows for a colored vintage sound or a much cleaner sound with optical characteristics.
When linked the master unit controls all functions on the slave except for wet-dry and make up gain. The link system is capable of doing 5.1
The FALCON ships in January.

A magnificent piece for the audio professional, the Aurora Sidecar delivers 10 channels of pure Class A discrete fury complete with 4 band EQ and super thick, transformer coupled two bus output for the user. Each channel of the Aurora Sidecar features Aurora Audio’s renowned DI input, individual analog VU metering, direct channel output connectivity, bus assign switching with pan, and top of the line Penny+Giles (P&G) faders.
Each Aurora Sidecar console is built with a heavy gauge steel frame designed for years of use and abuse. Every channel features steel guide rails and heavy-duty thumbscrews, keeping all ten channels firmly in place creating an ideal connection between module and frame, making module insertion and removal easy.
While being built like a Centurion tank, the Aurora Sidecar also features hand crafted wood cheeks and a hand tooled padded leather armrest, providing the extra touch of prestige and craftsmanship that only Aurora Audio can provide.
The classic 4 Band EQ allows you to mold sound in ways you didn’t think were possible. The 24 transformers that are living inside the Aurora Sidecar are designed and built to Geoff’s specifications, giving you the clarity and punch that so many
chase and now you will attain with ease. The faders and bus path were designed to not only keep your sound pure and intact, but once it hits those busses, you will be in a Class A discrete paradise that until now, only the select few have been to before.
The way Geoff designed the layout and the Aurora Audio team executes the build of the Aurora Sidecar makes basic maintenance a breeze. And while you should have a qualified technician help you do any serious work on the Aurora Sidecar, Aurora Audio offers the option of purchasing an extra channel module that can be swapped out easily so you never lose valuable studio time on your project.
Experience the ultimate with the Aurora Sidecar. The ultimate in construction. The ultimate in quality. The ultimate in reliability. The ultimate in SOUND.