Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This is the view that greeted me this morning as I ventured out. It made me pause for a moment and reflect on my life and the many people and situations I've encountered over the years. I consider myself lucky and blessed to be able to pursue my life's passion which is music. I'm eternally grateful to have worked with (and continue to work with) so many talented and gifted artists, musicians, producers and songwriters.
I would be lying if I said it was a smooth ride (more like a roller coaster) but overall it was and continues to be a great experience.

Here's something I wrote due to a certain situation that occured recently. It allowed me to express my feelings without resorting to a physical response:

"Sometimes when I witness wrong I get enraged but I can't turn that page.  Don't want my loved ones seeing me from the other side of the iron bars. Can't take it that far, so instead I smile and remind myself that the mind is the most powerful weapon. Words can cut deeper than any knife and can lift your spirits higher than any bird can fly. Put words to music and they become an unstoppable force that can change lives or make time stand still. Music is my armor, part of my chi, my legacy, my gift."

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